
This is the article that got me started with Buddhism

This is reproduced from the now defunct feedmag.
Ultimately, the kind of mindfulness practice that Nisker teaches can lead folks to personally realize one of the core insights of Buddhism: that the self we think we are, the self we coddle and trumpet and worry about, doesn't essentially exist. On this point, the vast majority of neuroscientists would agree, arguing that the solitary "I" is really a society of mind, or an emergent property, or an illusion fostered by some narrator module lodged in the left hemisphere. Nisker even jokingly suggests that neuroscientists set up little brain-imaging booths that would allow people to personally see the pictures of their own noodles at work. "Then we could believe it. There's nobody home."

Can't quite believe I haven't posted this yet

Not quite a Dharma meaning found, but hey its not like I'm drowning you...

Change your mind, change your brain...

More on Matthieu Ricard